Opisthorchiasis - a disease from the group of Helminthiasis, effects on the liver and the pancreas. In the world there are about 21 million people hepatic trematodami infected are summoned. Giardiasis. Widespread protozoan disease, while the vary from subclinical to severe forms and is due to an infection. The disease with worms, the pork chain. Disease from the group of Helminthiasis, effects on the liver and the pancreas.
Types of parasites
Only persons with a medical education know all the kinds of parasites in the human body. A large part of them is no danger for the health. Nevertheless, the long-term course of certain diseases can lead to serious complications.
Parasites in the body of adults and children
Not all know what parasites are and where you live. Of this disease people from all age groups suffer. Among the parasites of the human the following organisms:
- Fungi (Yeasts);
- Helminths (nematodes, hooks, fasciola);
- Protozoa (Single-Celled);
- Ticks;
- Lice;
- Bed bugs;
- Larvae of different insects.
All the features of a feature: they lead a parasitic way of life, i.e., they eat and grow, and by the people. Your life is different according to the duration. Some of the parasites in the body, people can be up to 20-30 years without a specific set of symptoms. A classification of parasites, depending on the place of their dwelling. The most commonly affected human skin. Such organisms as parasites. These include bedbugs, lice, many fungi and mites belong to. These creatures live in the internal organs, lymph vessels and in the muscles. You pose a great danger because of the possible lesions of the soft parts.
Variety of parasites, depending on the localization
Some worms live in the liver. This Fluke, Fasciola Hepatica, Echinococcus, nematode, toxocariasis include. There are kinds of worms in the lungs. To belong to this group, roundworm, Echinococcus, the representative of the nematodes, pathogenic lung Fluke collected disease. Some worms can) in the bile ducts (cat's dvuustka, Fasciola Hepatica. Sometimes in the process of muscles involved. This occurs when the infection trichinosis. More rarely, the kidneys and urinary tract are affected. To the parasites, which belong to life in these institutions, Schistosoma. Often helminths found in the blood and lymph vessels. Parasites mainly affect the skin. Possible participation in the process of the mucous membranes. The most common such diseases, such as scabies, head, body and pubic lice, Candidiasis are. Lice feed on the blood of the people, causing itching. You found the skin on the head, in the pubic area and on the inner layer of the clothing that lies close to the body.
As the parasites invade the human body?
You need to know not only information about what types of parasites in humans occur, but also to how infection takes place. Usually the person is infected unnoticed. This is done in house conditions, in the exercise of the professional activity, the work on the property, in case of contact with domestic animals (cats, dogs, rodents). The development of the intestinal parasites observed in case of contact with eggs or larvae of worms through the mouth. This is done with the use of contaminated, infected meat, or fish, but also through dirty hands. People are mainly fecal-oral Mechanisms. Less likely contact transfer, if the parasites penetrate the skin. This is possible in the case of scabies, lice, fungal infections, strongiloidosis, mixed.
Parasites transmitted in food (meat, fish, Can, fruit, herbs, berries), water, dirty hands, the earth. There are helminths and protozoa in the body of a human by contact with contaminated feces animal dust. Some parasitic worms in the Form of eggs and protozoa microorganisms through insects and ticks. The carriers can fly, mosquito, mosquitoes,. Separately, the parasites secrete, are able to be transmitted during sexual contacts. To belong to this group, trichomonads, fungi, pubic lice. Of great importance beings are to go back, to penetrate from one Person to another directly through the skin and able to live in the people a long time. The contagion disease, caused tsepnem is done by a dwarf, lives in the human small intestine.
Representatives of the group of the ectoparasites
You need to know not only the types of dangerous creatures, but also which of them will be able to live on the human skin. Very the disease, such as pediculosis, is common. He is the main, and one of the. Pathogen — Louse. These parasites infect the skin and its appendages (hair). Lice are more commonly found in the age of the child. Causes of close contact with other children, the non-compliance with the rules of personal Hygiene and overcrowding of Bands. Lice have the following features:
- parasites (live on the surface of the human body);
- feed on the blood;
- cause severe itching of the skin;
- Size from 0.4 to 6 mm;
- They live for about a month;
- a high litter size;
- sensitive to high temperatures;
- have Piercing device-sucking mouth.
In the investigation of patients often the eggs of lice (nits) glued. They are tight hair attached and are small. Symptoms of lice are more commonly found in children between the ages of 15 and 24 years. Crabs in a greater extent to meet the young people. Arrange the following risk factors for infestation of lice:
- the stay in kindergartens, boarding schools and homes;
- the poor social conditions;
- the family of the patient;
- the work in the kindergartens;
- to wear foreign clothes;
- visit public places (Saunas, hairdresser);
- rare washing Laundry.
Often such parasites occur in the human body, such as scabies mites. You can easily transfer from healthy patients. At risk are people who like to have a bed and other items of personal Hygiene. Scabies mites have gnawing mouth. They live under the skin, feed on the Epidermis. These parasites cause allergic reactions and skin rash. The most common affected skin of the abdomen, chest, thighs, and the spaces between the fingers. Creatures are most active at night, so that the symptoms of the disease (itching) is usually pronounced in the evening and in the night.
Worms in the intestine of humans
Not everyone is familiar with the types of parasitic worms. They are divided on nematodes (round worms), hook (tapeworm) and fasciola (Fluke). Many worms live in the intestines of humans. A prominent representative of this group of endoparasites Ascaris is. These worms live in the small intestine. The larvae can reach and other organs (liver, lung). The level of morbidity in the world reached 85 cases on 100 thousand people. Most commonly, children get small. Parasites in the Form of eggs in the intestine during the consumption of the washed products. Thread worm have the following characteristics:
- a round, long body size up to 40 cm;
- refer to the ground (partially develop in the environment);
- they lay up to 240 thousand eggs per day.
The ill Co secretes together with the feces large number of eggs. They fall in the external environment, and for a while there Zürn. The presence of this worm in the body can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestine and development of intestinal obstruction. In the group of intestinal helminths Helminthiasis nematosis from the group, will be of the worms of the genus of the pinworms. Pathogens pinworms are. These parasites live in the small intestine and the large intestine, not infrequently, to the resulting dysbiosis, Enteritis. Pinworms are white, small (up to 1 cm) worms in the color. They have a pointed end, with the help of which you are the skin to the mucous membrane. Data worms live up to 2 months. Vulnerable children are organized, the children's gardens and the lower classes of the school. The infection way is household appliances or food. Transfer factors are the hands, toys, dishes, food, and office material. In the case of parasites, the ability to crawl outward, to lay their eggs. This is mainly done in the night. The main characteristics of the presence of pinworms in your body include: pain in the abdomen, violation of the chair, and itching in the area of the anus.
Protozoa are parasites of the people
Only doctors know species of parasitic protozoa. Their large number. Most often the following protozoa:
- Amoeba;
- balantidiums;
- Trichomonas;
- leishmania;
- Cryptosporidium;
- Giardia;
- Malaria Plasmodium;
- Toxoplasma;
- Trypanosoma.
Under protozoosis Giardiasis is the most common. It is a disease caused by single-celled microorganisms, with a primary lesion 12-perstnoj the Drme and the liver. The causative agent of the disease lamblia. Parasites of this type have the following features:
- single-celled micro-organizmi;
- Live in 2 forms (vegetative and spores);
- transmitted by food, water, dishes and household items;
- by insects;
- mainly affect children up to 10 years;
- Size up to 21 µm (vegetative forms);
- have flagella (vegetative forms);
- are in the position to actively move, always.
These creatures are very resistance they are capable of in the environment. The infection of humans with an aqueous, alimentary or contact-household Wiking. People get Giardia cysts. The Peak incidence occurs in the spring and summer. Giardia are spread everywhere. At risk are children, the organized communities. More often, people not trained in simple skills for personal Hygiene. Often in the investigation of the patient's microorganism found this, like an amoeba. Is a type of protozoa. Creatures infect the gut and can contribute to the formation of abscesses in other organs (liver). These parasites are often identified in individuals who wash your hands regularly. Amoebic life in the Form of trophozoites and cysts. The last are stable in the environment. In the group of risk according to the amebiasis of people with immune deficiency and pregnant women belong to. In addition to amoebas and Giardia in humans can appear oocysts of Cryptosporidium. The germ, parasites in the intestine. Cryptosporidium cause diarrhea and other intestinal symptoms. To the for people hazardous parasites Malaria Plasmodium. You carry mosquitoes. The infection occurs through the bite of insects.
Clinical manifestations of the existence of parasites
Acquaintance with the information about what parasites live in the intestines, you should know the main symptoms and diseases by you. The presence of pinworms in the body, characterized by a disorder of the chair according to the type of diarrhea, bloating, pain in the lower abdomen, itching in the perianal area, irritability, skin rash, impaired appetite. Children with enterobiasis are often sick. Pinworms can be a cause of the development gastroduodenita, Enteritis and dysbiosis. If in the body there is thread worm, the people of nausea, abdominal pain, anal itching, increased production of saliva, loss of appetite, weakness. Simply ascariasis cause blockage of the intestine adult parasites. In the Phase of Migration of the larvae the appearance of a skin rash and a cough is possible. Allergic reactions and digestive disorders are helminths, the most important characteristics of gastrointestinal. Some worms can affect the muscles. Outstanding representatives of Trichinella. They cause muscle pain, allergic reactions and swelling. Such parasites such as flukes, the organs of the biliary tract (liver, bladder and of the bile ducts).
This nausea, vomiting, low fever, pain in the upper abdomen is manifested to the right. To go back to the essence, the apartment is on a high bladder stones and kidney stones, Schistosoma. You cause dysuria. In the urine of such a patient's blood can be detected. Some parasites of the people are a great danger, and in the course of the years can show. This tapeworm include. These tape worms are able to parasitize in the body only in the Form of larvae. The man is a cul-de-SAC for this branch of the worm. Echinococcus lives in the liver or lungs, forming bubbles (cysts). They are maybe a few dozen. Lice cause itching in patients and can be the cause for the development of eczema, chronic pyoderma and Dermatitis. On the skin of the people the rash appears. The defeat of the people chesotocnami pliers is characterized by skin itching mainly in the evening and night hours and skin rash. In the presence of Malaria parasites in the body, fever, chills, dizziness, nausea, yellow observed addiction, increased liver and spleen.
The largest parasites of man
Some parasites are microscopic in size, others up to a length of 20 m. The largest of them:a tape worm (pathogen difillobotrioza), pigs and cattle taenia. This beings back a narrow, shallow body have to go, divided by the number of segments (proglotid). Swine tsepen reached 4 m in length. He has a head, body, and suction cups. Observed and hooks. The man acts as definitive host.
Sometimes in the body of the people para the larvae of this worm to survive. The largest worm is tsepen bullish. The length of the body is 20 m. This parasite causes a disease, such as teniarinhoze. The large individuals are intertwined in the location, form clusters in the human intestine. This may be a reason of the violation of the Passage of feces. Slightly smaller are the dimensions of the worms from the group of fasciola (broad tapeworm). The infection you may be in the use of an infected fish.
How to get rid of parasites? Man has no greater torment than to wish for the estate to repair the end of under the influence of dangerous creatures, the health, but will not be able to do this. Self-therapy is not practically good results. In the presence of even the slightest symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Regardless of the type of parasites in humans, the doctor is exactly the diagnosis is determine, and selects an effective treatment.